Physiotherapy Guidelines For Safe Acupuncture and Dry Needling Practice

In 2006 various physiotherapists who lecture in the areas of Acupuncture or Dry Needling formed a committee to create a guideline for Australian physiotherapists. The attached guideline has been produced under the banner of the Australian Society of Acupuncture Physiotherapists (ASAP). It is designed to be used as a safe practice guide for physiotherapists practicing acupuncture or dry needling in Australia. Acupuncture practice by physiotherapists in Australia may include Traditional Acupuncture, Western Acupuncture or Dry Needling.

The guideline was constructed via consultation with various Australian and International acupuncture guidelines, including the minimum standards set by the International Acupuncture Association of Physical Therapists (IAAPT). The federal governments Infection Control Guidelines (2004) was also considered along with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Australian Immunisation Handbook (2003) and the Standards of Practice for Acupuncture: Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations (1990). Relevant journal based literature was also considered. The guidelines will be reviewed and revised by the ASAP as required.

It should be noted that individual states and territories around Australia will have varying guidelines on skin penetration and infection control and physiotherapists are urged to view the relevant information from their local, state and federal governing bodies. Physiotherapists are also advised to refer to any relevant legislation set by individual state physiotherapy registration boards.

Click Here to view ASAP Safety Guidelines

Leigh McCutcheon APA Presentation Oct

The following case report was presented during the APA Conference week held in Cairn’s in October, 2007 as part of the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia program.

CASE REPORT: Physiotherapy management incorporating direct acupuncture needling to a large intrasubstance supraspinatus tear.

McCutcheon LM1, 2

1Elanora and Robina Physiotherapy Clinics

2Combined Health Acupuncture and Dry Needling Education

A 64 year old woman presented with a two month old traumatic intrasubstance supraspinatus tear measuring 1.8 x 1.2cm. Four treatments consisting of taping, rotator cuff and scapular stabilising exercises, ultrasound and laser were implemented over a five week period with minimal effect on range and no effect on supraspinatus power or pain reduction. The therapy regime was supplemented with acupuncture consisting of threading the supraspinatus tendon from both an anterior (LI 15) and posterior (LI 16) approach with 40mm and 50mm needles respectively.

The aim of acupuncture tendon threading is to produce a local healing response due to the various chemicals and neuropeptides that are activated when a needle is inserted into damaged tissue. Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire performed prior to the commencement of acupuncture depicted a 71.7 score. Eight acupuncture treatments were performed over a three month period with a reduction to 27.5 on the DASH scale. An additional three treatments were performed over a two month period with a further reduction on the DASH scale to 5. Another diagnostic ultrasound was performed following treatment depicting a small 3mm region of heterogeneity in the supraspinatus tendon which is a common phenomenon in asymptotic individuals within this age group. This study raises the possibility of an alternative to surgery in the case of a torn supraspinatus tendon. Results of this single case report support the need for randomised controlled trials to further investigate the effect of deep acupuncture needling on rotator cuff tears.

Click Here to view the presentation overview.